Welcome to the BTS’s salvage submission process. If you are new to selling salvage at Big Truck Salvage, click here to "Create a Seller's Account". If you already have a seller's account please enter your Seller's ID or e-mail address and your password to start the submission process.
Note: - New Adjusters Please Read: Creating a new sellers account - All adjusters must create a seller’s account before submitting a piece of salvage. The information in your account should be about you and your company, not the insurance company for which you are submitting the salvage. The account you create will be used by you for future submissions. If your company has more than one adjuster, each adjuster must create a separate account. Once your account is created, you will be able to select and bill either your account or an insurance company’s account for your salvage submission.
Note: - Registered Buyers Who Want To Sell Salvage Please Read: REGISTERED BUYERS ONLY - If you are a registered buyer and your account is active, when submitting salvage use your buyer's ID instead of creating a seller's account. Upon completion of your submission, your account will be updated to reflect that you are a buyer and a seller.
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